What is a Lottery?

In lotteries, a group of people pay a small amount for the chance to win a prize, such as a large sum of money. A lottery requires a mechanism to pool all stakes, and a system for determining the winning numbers and prizes. Usually, the organizers or sponsors deduct some percentage of the total sum as costs and profits. The remaining percentage is distributed among the winners. Lotteries can be organized by state, private entities or groups of individuals. They can be simple or complex and have different prize amounts. Several requirements are common to all types of lotteries.

The story of Shirley Jackson’s short story “The Lottery” reveals the evil nature of humans. It also shows how people can be deceived by false appearances. The villagers in this story seem friendly and normal, yet they carry out evil actions. The events in the story also reveal how society can be corrupted by outdated norms and cultures.

One of the most important points in the story is how the villagers treat misfortune as something casual. They do not even feel remorse after murdering someone. This shows that a person can become so accustomed to mistreatment and oppression that they do not realize how wrong it is. Moreover, it shows how a person can lose his/her ability to reason and make good choices. This is a serious problem that we can face in our everyday life. We need to be able to recognize and avoid these situations.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text
Cape Town, South Africa